Spring grant awards delayed due to COVID-19
Permian Basin Area Foundation has awarded $1,293,000 to nonprofit organizations serving West Texans during its delayed spring grant cycle. Last March, the PBAF grants committee and Board of Governors decided to defer the spring grant cycle until late summer and instead began funding emergency grants due to the immediate needs presented by the pandemic.
The competitive grants were awarded in early September. Grants were made to the following organizations:
Addy's Hope
Ballroom Marfa
Communities in Schools Permian Basin
Education Partnership of the
Permian Basin
Girl Scouts of the Desert Southwest
Hillcrest School
Humanities Texas
Junior Achievement of Permian Basin
Marathon Public Library
Marfa Live Arts
Martin County Convent
Medical Center Health Systems Foundation
Midland Charter Academy School PTO
Midland Young Life
Museum of the Southwest
New Horizons Ranch and Center, Inc.
Nonprofit Management Center
Pink the Basin
Prevent Blindness Texas
Recording Library of West Texas
Rope for Youth (Rope Youth)
Samaritan Counseling Center
of West Texas
Senior Life Midland
South Plains Rural Health Services
Terrell County ISD
Texas Water Trade
The Cody Stephens Foundation
West Texas Food Bank
As a part of those competitive grant awards, the Foundation awarded $329,000 to 11 organizations from the Dollie Ruth Neal Education Fund. The purpose of this fund is to provide education opportunities for women across West Texas, with an emphasis on empowering single mothers to become self-sufficient.
“It is unfortunate we were unable to have our usual press conference to announce these grants,” stated Grants Administrator Meagan Harris. “We look forward to the day when we can gather together and celebrate these nonprofit organizations and the wonderful work they are doing in our communities.”
The current Fall grant cycle is open and proceeding as scheduled. The fall application will close October 1. Visit www.pbaf.org to review application requirements and to apply.