On January 28 at 10 a.m., the University of Texas Permian Basin will host a reception announcing five nonprofit organizations that are the beneficiaries of the John Jacob Taylor Charitable Trust.
John and his wife Margery lived much of their adult lives in communities of West Texas, retiring in Odessa in 1977. They were early champions of the University of Texas Permian Basin from its very inception. John gifted many of the trees that currently adorn the campus. Margery did a significant amount of research at the library reviewing microfilms through the inter-library loan arrangement. In addition to the University of Texas Permian Basin, there are four nonprofits organizations who will benefit from the Taylor’s generosity. They include Saint Anthony Zuni Indian Mission, Door of Hope, West Texas Boys Ranch Foundation and Friends of the Ector County Library.
Mrs. Taylor predeceased Mr. Taylor, who died in 2010.
WHAT: Announcement of John Jacob Taylor Charitable Trust beneficiaries
WHEN: Monday, January 28, 2019 at 10 a.m.
WHERE: The University of Texas Permian Basin Library Foyer
WHO: Mr. Jerry Crockett, Advisor to John Jacob Taylor Charitable Trust
Mr. James Riddle, CPA and Trustee
Dr. Sandra K. Woodley, President, the University of Texas Permian Basin